Lynn white jr historical roots pdf

Lynn white jr historical roots pdf
In 1967, Lynn White, Jr.’s seminal article The Historical Roots of Our Ecologic Crisis was published, essentially establishing the academic study of religion and nature.
Lynn White Jr.’s essay, “The Historical Roots of Our Ecologic Crisis,” which first appeared in Science in 1967, has long been a cornerstone in the environmental studies literature. Yet subsequent research in the natural and social sciences, as well as in the environmental humanities, challenges many of White’s key assumptions and claims
This is my summary of a paper by Lynn White, Jr. called The Historical Roots of Our Ecologic Crisis, published in Science Volume 155, Number 3767, on March 10, 1967.
The Historical Roots of Our Ecologic Crisis. By Lynn White Jr. See all Hide authors and affiliations. Science 10 Mar 1967: Vol. 155, Issue 3767, pp. 1203-1207 DOI: 10.1126/science.155.3767.1203 . Article; Info & Metrics; eLetters; PDF; This is a PDF-only article. The first page of the PDF of this article appears above. Science. Vol 155, Issue 3767 10 March 1967 . Table of Contents ; Back
1 Journal of Religion & Society Supplement Series 3 The Kripke Center 2008 ISSN: 1941-8450 Religion and the Environment An Introduction The Legacy of Lynn White, Jr.
Abstract. Over the past half-century, Lynn White Jr.u27s ‘The Historical Roots of Our Ecologic Crisis’ has stimulated examination of the relationship between religion, particularly Christianity, and attitudes toward nature in the U.S. and elsewhere.
The White Thesis Any discussion of historical Christianity’s approach to nature must begin with Lynn White Jr., a medieval historian and professing Christian whose article “The Historical Roots of Our Ecologic Crisis” appeared in the journal Science on March 10, 1967. Its lasting importance lies in its argument for the particular, and particularly pernicious, impact of Christian belief
14/01/2015 · Excerpted from Lynn White, Jr., “The Historical Roots of Our Ecologic Crisis” (1967), a lecture to the American Association for the Advancement of Science.
PHIL 336 American Indian Environmental Philosophies Fall 2016 Page 1 of 1 TEST 11 Study Guide 1. What does Lynn White, Jr. (“The Historical Roots of Our Ecologic Crisis”) see as “the greatest event in human history since the invention of agriculture, and perhaps in nonhuman terrestrial history …
Matthew T. Riley’s essay returns to the beginnings of ecotheology, but only in order to tell the tale differently and expose the overlooked place of the animal in it. Ecotheology in its early stages largely coalesced in response to the accusations leveled at Christianity by Lynn White, Jr. in his 1967 article, “The Historical Roots of Our
Lynn White and “The Historical Roots ofour Ecologic Crisis” In his controversial 1967 article, “The Historical Roots ofour Ecologic Crisis,” Lynn White asserted that the marriage of scientific
11/10/2015 · In 1967, an historian by the name of Lynn White Jr. published an article entitled ‘The Historical Roots of our Ecological Crisis’.[1] In this paper White suggested
Lynn White’s highly influential 1967 Science magazine article, “The Historical Roots of our Ecological Crisis.” White pegged the source of our troubles in the
4. TheHistoricalRootsofOurEcologic Crisis LynnWhite,Jr. Aconversation with Aldous Huxley not infre-quentlyputoneatthereceivingendofanunforget-tablemonologue.
Lynn White, Jr. must be associated with any scholarly writings on environmental theology because his work in the 1960s precipitated a renewed interest in the field on a massive scale. “The Historical Roots of our Ecological Crisis” (White, 1967) is the most common citation in a …
The Rights of Nature? Land and Landscape explores foundation concepts in planning and design theory and practice. The intent of this seminar class is to add breadth and depth to …
2 Introduction In his 1967 landmark article “The Historical Roots of our Ecological Crisis,” Lynne White Jr. argued that Western Christianity “bears a huge burden of guilt” for the looming

GSCI 1020 Project #5 Name Due Date 4/1/14 Box # THE
The Universe as the Living Image of God Calvin’s Doctrine
Rethinking Lynn White: Christianity, Creatures, and Democracy. 1 Lynn White Jr.’s infamous 1967 article, “The Historical Roots of Our Ecologic Crisis” has been a source of continuous debate and controversy in the field of Religion and Ecology.
Fifty years ago, historian Lynn White Jr. presented and published a highly influential paper, explaining the intellectual and philosophical roots of our environmental crisis. Current debates in
20% Discount with this flyer Religion and Ecological Crisis The “Lynn White Thesis” at Fifty Edited by Todd LeVasseur and Anna Peterson Series: Routledge Studies in Religion This collection of original essays by leading scholars in environmental ethics and religion and nature considers the
White Jr., Lynn. “The Historical Roots of Our Ecologic Crisis.” In Ecology and Religion in History. New “The Historical Roots of Our Ecologic Crisis.” In Ecology and Religion in History.
Man and Ecology Towards an Ethic of Environment Trustees
“The historical roots of our ecologic crisis,” Science 155, no. 3767 (10 march 1967): 1203-07. Some ecofeminist theologians have also notably made the connection
The UCLA Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies (CMRS) was established during academic year . 1962-63 through the inspiration of the distinguished historian Lynn White, who served as …
Title: The Historical Roots of Our Ecologic Crisis: Authors: White, Lynn, Jr. Publication: Science, Volume 155, Issue 3767, pp. 1203-1207 (Sci Homepage)
White’s essay was part of an overall trend in the late 1960s and early 1970s to discover single “root” causes for the environmental crisis, with other such efforts variously
So observes historian of technology Lynn White, Jr. The myth of Prometheus equates human uniqueness with our ability, indeed our need, to fashion artifacts in order to assume a place among the flora and fauna of the planet. Our appropriation of the world …
Some follow Lynn White Jr. in arguing that Christian thinking, since its very first centuries, has been anthropocentric and dominationalist in its stance toward the non-human natural world. 4 …
titled “The Historical Roots of Our Ecologic Crisis.” Its author, medieval historian Lynn White, Jr., of UCLA, is an engaging raconteur with a gift for the memorable hrase and the arresting thought. He is
Interview with Matthew Riley on Lynn T. White, jr. Assignments: Choose one religious idea from those outlined in the Encyclopedia of Religion article on Christianity and relate that idea to one of
Lynn White, Jr. A conversation with Aldous Huxley not infrequently put one at the receiving end of an unforgettable monologue. About a year before his lamented death he was discoursing on a favorite topic: Man’s unnatural treatment of nature and its sad results.
The global history of ecological concern stays at the center of this course, which discusses environmental worries in the British, German, Scandinavian, African and American contexts in subsequent centuries.
Lynn White Jr’s now classic article, ‘The Historical Roots of Our Ecologic Crisis’. 1 White argued that the Christian worldview, rooted in the creation stories and the notion of humanity made in God’s image, introduced a dualism between humanity
A provocative 1967 magazine article by Lynn White, Jr., Professor of History at the University of California at Los Angeles, is also employed as a vehicle to assist in the examination of the influence of Western religious thought on man’s attitude toward nature and land. The article, “The Historical Roots of Our Ecologic Crisis,” has as its thesis that Christianity is a major culprit in today
10 March 1967, Volume 155, Number 3767 SCIENCE nating in our own time in the reclama- tion of the Zuider Zee. What, if any, species of animals, birds, fish, shore
5 Lynn White Jr. 1967. “The Historical Roots of Our Ecological Crisis.” Science 155, pp. 1203-1207. “The Historical Roots of Our Ecological Crisis.” Science 155, pp. 1203-1207.
Required: “The Historical Roots of our Ecologic Crisis” Lynn White Jr. V&Ppp.52-58 Recommended: The section “An Introduction to Ethical Theory” pp. 1-42 in VanDeVeer and Pierce (V&P).
Disenchantment and the Environmental Crisis Lynn White Jr
Lynn White, in his pivotal article “The Historical Roots of Our Ecologic Crisis” (1967), accuses Christianity for being responsible for the ecologic crisis.
In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content: TRADITION AND INNOVATION, HARMONY AND HIERARCHY IN ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISI’S SERMON TO THE BIRDS Lynn White, Jr., that groundbreaking scholar of Western science and technology, often touched on Franciscan issues in his long academic career.
Lynn White, Jr. is known for a brief article from 1967, “The Historical Roots of our Ecological Crisis.” The article was not even five pages long. Too often, this article is summarized as if Christianity is to be blamed, given the legitimization it gives to human dominance. Not only is White’s article far more nuanced, but the man and his motives are far more interesting too, as Riley – modern compressible flow with historical perspective pdf free download The Historical Roots of Our Ecologic Crisis. By Lynn White Jr. Science 10 Mar 1967: 1203-1207 . PDF ; One Hundred Periodic Comets. By Brian G. Marsden
RELIGIOUS ETHICS IV RELIGION AND THE SCIENCES This exam includes three required parts (I-III) about the philosophy and history of science, ethics
Subject: Image Created Date: 9/10/2010 1:33:04 AM
Abstract. Over the past half-century, Lynn White Jr.’s ‘The Historical Roots of Our Ecologic Crisis’ has stimulated examination of the relationship between religion, particularly Christianity, and attitudes toward nature in the U.S. and elsewhere.
sort of holy text for environmental history, Lynn White Jr. assigned the Judeo-Christian religion a prominent place among the “historical roots of our environmental crisis.”“Especially in its Western form,” he declared,
Thus since 1967 the claim of Lynn White, Jr., that the “Judeo-Christian tradition” was the cause of “our ecologic crisis” has been troubling. 1 White’s paper, “The Historical Roots of Our Ecologic
More than any other one text, “The Historical Roots of Our Ecologic Crisis” by Lynn White Jr., published in Science in 1967, stimulated the development of environmental philosophy and also
that the historical roots of the present ecological crisis lie in the anti-animistic and anthropocentric tendencies of the Christian faith, and that the only way of emerging from this crisis is to follow the approach to nature suggested by St. Francis.
According to Lynn White’s widely republished essay “The Roots of Our Ecological Crisis,” these roots lie in the Judaeo- Christian belief that man, being made in God’s image, is set apart
Lynn White Jr.’s “The Historical Roots of Our Ecologic Crisis,” which was published in Science in 1967, has played a critical role in precipitating interdisciplinary environmental studies.
Abstract. An interdisciplinary reappraisal of Lynn White, Jr.’s “The Historical Roots of Our Ecologic ud Crisis” reopens several issues, including the suggestion by Peter Harrison that White’s thesis ud was historical and that it is a mistake to regard it as theological.
Abstract “The Historical Roots of Our Ecological Crisis” by Lynn White Jr. poses specific challenges to Islamic metaphysics and theology that have yet to be adequately addressed by Muslim scholars.
Lynn White, Jr. Technology and Culture 16(1975)525 The eighth century was a turning point in Western European civilization. It opened with the Arabs crossing over to Spain, in 711, sealing off Western Europe from the Mediterranean commercially and culturally; it would end with the Viking onslaught on Scottish monasteries, 793 and 794, congealing the frightened natives of northern Britain into
4 lynn white, jr. the historical roots of our ecologic crisis 39 5 arne naess the deep ecological movement: some philosophical aspects 47 6 paul shepard ecology and man: a viewpoint 62 7 gary snyder the place, the region, and the commons 70 8 jonathan bate the economy of nature 77 . vi contents 9 lawrence buell representing the environment”. 97 10 william cronon the trouble with …
Lynn White Thesis 1504 words The “Lynn White thesis,” articulated in its most well-known form in White’s “The Historical Roots of Our Ecologic Crisis,” (1967) was one of the most important
The Historical Roots of our Ecological Crises. Science, 155. 1967) This short essay is a sincere effort to investigate the validity of White’s view that the disrespect
Science in Christian Perspective. The Historical Roots of Our Ecologic Crisis* LYNN WHITE, JR. Department of History University of California, Los Angeles, California
LANDMARKS IN LITERARY ECOLOGY Edited by Cheryll Glotfelty and Harold Fromm THE UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA PRESS • ATHENS AND LONDON • CONTENTS Preface IX Acknowledgments xi xv ^C Introduction Literary Studies in an Age of Environmental Crisis / CHERYLL GLOTFELTY PART ONE Ecotheory Reflections on Nature and Cultvire 3 The Historical Roots of Our Ecologic Crisis LYNN WHITE, JR …
A brief historical overview of Christian critique since Professor Lynn White Jr’s 1967 paper ‘The Historical Roots of our Ecological Crisis’. The article has lots of useful links to other resources about
Sermon 11 October 2015
Lynn Townsend White papers by Lynn White ( ) Technology, history, democracy Lynn T. White, Jr. by Lynn White ( ) Reading beyond Roots: the theological and Weberian aspects of Lynn White’s scholarship by Matthew Timothy Riley ( )
Green theology and deep ecology: New Age or new creation? Steve Bishop Christianity has often been a scapegoat for the environmental crisis. The most influential proponent of this view is the much quoted Lynn White, Jr.1 In a lecture given on 26 December 1966 at the Washington meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), he put forward the thesis that the …
‘Lynn White Jr., “The Historical Roots of our Ecological Crisis,” in Ian “The Historical Roots of our Ecological Crisis,” in Ian Barbour, editor, Wesfem Man and Environmental Ethics (Englewood, New
Dept of Theology University of Exeter Amory Building
Gretel Van Wieren Michigan State University
Creation Care as Christian Witness A Biblical Basis
understand the context of Schaeffer’s book I want you to first read an article written by Lynn White Jr. The The next project will give Schaeffer’s response.
admirable features out of his historical context. White, for instance, Lynn White Jr. proposed Francis as “the patron saint of ecologists ”3 and twelve years later, Pope John Paul II enacted this suggestion. SAINT FRANCIS OF ASSISI 3. Lynn White, Jr. “The Historical Roots of Our Ecologic Crisis,” Science 155, no. 3767 (1967): 1203–1207. “St. Francis of Assisi Preaching to the
Historical methods are at the foundation of research in the social sciences. This synthesizing and integrative project on the methodology of historical social science addresses programmatic objectives, interpretive principles, explanatory logic, and substantive applications to …
The Saylor Foundation 1 Guide to Responding Reading Quiz for Lynn White, Jr.’s “The Historical Roots of Our Ecological Crisis” Please note that the answer …
The “Lynn White thesis,” articulated in its most well- known form in White’s “The Historical Roots of Our Ecologic Crisis,” (1967) was one of the most important
Lynn White Jr., the Question of Technology, and the Question of the Human -Matthew Riley, “A Spiritual Democracy of All God’s Creatures: Ecotheology and the Animals of Lynn White Jr.”
The Historical roots of Our Ecological Crisis summary Lynn White, Jr’s article states that ever since humans have become a numerous species they have affected the …
The Rights of Nature?’01 University of Oregon
Christian Attitudes to Nature -ORCA

HBRJD-UA 177 Topics in Judaic Studies Jewish


1e Links and Bibliography ARC

The Historical Roots of Our Ecologic Crisis by Lynn White

A Discussion SpringerLink
the historical jesus of the gospels pdf – Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies
Christian Ethics for Biosphere and Context
Cultural Transformation and Conservation Growth

Lynn White’s “Historical Roots of our

Project MUSE Toward an Ecology of Transfiguration

The Historical Roots of Our Ecologic Crisis YouTube

The Stirrup as a Revolutionary Device page 1

The global history of ecological concern stays at the center of this course, which discusses environmental worries in the British, German, Scandinavian, African and American contexts in subsequent centuries.
Historical methods are at the foundation of research in the social sciences. This synthesizing and integrative project on the methodology of historical social science addresses programmatic objectives, interpretive principles, explanatory logic, and substantive applications to …
Thus since 1967 the claim of Lynn White, Jr., that the “Judeo-Christian tradition” was the cause of “our ecologic crisis” has been troubling. 1 White’s paper, “The Historical Roots of Our Ecologic
The Historical Roots of Our Ecologic Crisis. By Lynn White Jr. See all Hide authors and affiliations. Science 10 Mar 1967: Vol. 155, Issue 3767, pp. 1203-1207 DOI: 10.1126/science.155.3767.1203 . Article; Info & Metrics; eLetters; PDF; This is a PDF-only article. The first page of the PDF of this article appears above. Science. Vol 155, Issue 3767 10 March 1967 . Table of Contents ; Back
Title: The Historical Roots of Our Ecologic Crisis: Authors: White, Lynn, Jr. Publication: Science, Volume 155, Issue 3767, pp. 1203-1207 (Sci Homepage)
Abstract. Over the past half-century, Lynn White Jr.’s ‘The Historical Roots of Our Ecologic Crisis’ has stimulated examination of the relationship between religion, particularly Christianity, and attitudes toward nature in the U.S. and elsewhere.
In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content: TRADITION AND INNOVATION, HARMONY AND HIERARCHY IN ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISI’S SERMON TO THE BIRDS Lynn White, Jr., that groundbreaking scholar of Western science and technology, often touched on Franciscan issues in his long academic career.
4 lynn white, jr. the historical roots of our ecologic crisis 39 5 arne naess the deep ecological movement: some philosophical aspects 47 6 paul shepard ecology and man: a viewpoint 62 7 gary snyder the place, the region, and the commons 70 8 jonathan bate the economy of nature 77 . vi contents 9 lawrence buell representing the environment”. 97 10 william cronon the trouble with …
Some follow Lynn White Jr. in arguing that Christian thinking, since its very first centuries, has been anthropocentric and dominationalist in its stance toward the non-human natural world. 4 …
Interview with Matthew Riley on Lynn T. White, jr. Assignments: Choose one religious idea from those outlined in the Encyclopedia of Religion article on Christianity and relate that idea to one of
The Historical Roots of Our Ecologic Crisis. By Lynn White Jr. Science 10 Mar 1967: 1203-1207 . PDF ; One Hundred Periodic Comets. By Brian G. Marsden
titled “The Historical Roots of Our Ecologic Crisis.” Its author, medieval historian Lynn White, Jr., of UCLA, is an engaging raconteur with a gift for the memorable hrase and the arresting thought. He is

HBRJD-UA 177 Topics in Judaic Studies Jewish
The Historical Roots of Our Ecologic Crisis Lynn White Jr

5 Lynn White Jr. 1967. “The Historical Roots of Our Ecological Crisis.” Science 155, pp. 1203-1207. “The Historical Roots of Our Ecological Crisis.” Science 155, pp. 1203-1207.
LANDMARKS IN LITERARY ECOLOGY Edited by Cheryll Glotfelty and Harold Fromm THE UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA PRESS • ATHENS AND LONDON • CONTENTS Preface IX Acknowledgments xi xv ^C Introduction Literary Studies in an Age of Environmental Crisis / CHERYLL GLOTFELTY PART ONE Ecotheory Reflections on Nature and Cultvire 3 The Historical Roots of Our Ecologic Crisis LYNN WHITE, JR …
admirable features out of his historical context. White, for instance, Lynn White Jr. proposed Francis as “the patron saint of ecologists ”3 and twelve years later, Pope John Paul II enacted this suggestion. SAINT FRANCIS OF ASSISI 3. Lynn White, Jr. “The Historical Roots of Our Ecologic Crisis,” Science 155, no. 3767 (1967): 1203–1207. “St. Francis of Assisi Preaching to the
Thus since 1967 the claim of Lynn White, Jr., that the “Judeo-Christian tradition” was the cause of “our ecologic crisis” has been troubling. 1 White’s paper, “The Historical Roots of Our Ecologic

117 Comments on “Lynn white jr historical roots pdf

  1. Lynn White, Jr. Technology and Culture 16(1975)525 The eighth century was a turning point in Western European civilization. It opened with the Arabs crossing over to Spain, in 711, sealing off Western Europe from the Mediterranean commercially and culturally; it would end with the Viking onslaught on Scottish monasteries, 793 and 794, congealing the frightened natives of northern Britain into

    Ecocriticism GBV

  2. A brief historical overview of Christian critique since Professor Lynn White Jr’s 1967 paper ‘The Historical Roots of our Ecological Crisis’. The article has lots of useful links to other resources about
    Historical Methods in the Social Sciences SAGE
    PHILCH11 PHIL 336 American Indian Environmental

  3. Subject: Image Created Date: 9/10/2010 1:33:04 AM

    Christian Attitudes to Nature -ORCA

  4. Abstract. Over the past half-century, Lynn White Jr.u27s ‘The Historical Roots of Our Ecologic Crisis’ has stimulated examination of the relationship between religion, particularly Christianity, and attitudes toward nature in the U.S. and elsewhere.

    LANDMARKS IN LITERARY ECOLOGY Edited by Cheryll Glotfelty

  5. Lynn White Thesis 1504 words The “Lynn White thesis,” articulated in its most well-known form in White’s “The Historical Roots of Our Ecologic Crisis,” (1967) was one of the most important

    (PDF) Lynn White Jr. and the greening of religion hypothesis
    The Historical Roots of Our Ecologic Crisis Science

  6. ‘Lynn White Jr., “The Historical Roots of our Ecological Crisis,” in Ian “The Historical Roots of our Ecological Crisis,” in Ian Barbour, editor, Wesfem Man and Environmental Ethics (Englewood, New

    Environmental theology Wikipedia

  7. 4. TheHistoricalRootsofOurEcologic Crisis LynnWhite,Jr. Aconversation with Aldous Huxley not infre-quentlyputoneatthereceivingendofanunforget-tablemonologue.

    Lecture delivered at the German Historical Institute
    Rethinking Lynn White Christianity Creatures and Democracy.
    LANDMARKS IN LITERARY ECOLOGY Edited by Cheryll Glotfelty

  8. Lynn White, Jr. A conversation with Aldous Huxley not infrequently put one at the receiving end of an unforgettable monologue. About a year before his lamented death he was discoursing on a favorite topic: Man’s unnatural treatment of nature and its sad results.

    Religion and Ecological Crisis The “Lynn White Thesis” at
    “The Kinship of Creation An Anabaptist Ecological
    The Historical Roots of Our Ecologic Crisis

  9. The Historical Roots of Our Ecologic Crisis. By Lynn White Jr. Science 10 Mar 1967: 1203-1207 . PDF ; One Hundred Periodic Comets. By Brian G. Marsden

    UCLA Center for Medieval and
    Cultural Transformation and Conservation Growth

  10. The “Lynn White thesis,” articulated in its most well- known form in White’s “The Historical Roots of Our Ecologic Crisis,” (1967) was one of the most important

    1e Links and Bibliography ARC

  11. Science in Christian Perspective. The Historical Roots of Our Ecologic Crisis* LYNN WHITE, JR. Department of History University of California, Los Angeles, California


  12. Abstract “The Historical Roots of Our Ecological Crisis” by Lynn White Jr. poses specific challenges to Islamic metaphysics and theology that have yet to be adequately addressed by Muslim scholars.

    Gretel Van Wieren Michigan State University
    Religion and Ecological Crisis The “Lynn White Thesis” at
    The Historical Roots of Our Ecologic Crisis YouTube

  13. LANDMARKS IN LITERARY ECOLOGY Edited by Cheryll Glotfelty and Harold Fromm THE UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA PRESS • ATHENS AND LONDON • CONTENTS Preface IX Acknowledgments xi xv ^C Introduction Literary Studies in an Age of Environmental Crisis / CHERYLL GLOTFELTY PART ONE Ecotheory Reflections on Nature and Cultvire 3 The Historical Roots of Our Ecologic Crisis LYNN WHITE, JR …

    Christian Attitudes to Nature -ORCA

  14. sort of holy text for environmental history, Lynn White Jr. assigned the Judeo-Christian religion a prominent place among the “historical roots of our environmental crisis.”“Especially in its Western form,” he declared,

    Disenchantment and the Environmental Crisis Lynn White Jr
    LANDMARKS IN LITERARY ECOLOGY Edited by Cheryll Glotfelty
    Table of Contents — March 10 1967 155 (3767) Science

  15. that the historical roots of the present ecological crisis lie in the anti-animistic and anthropocentric tendencies of the Christian faith, and that the only way of emerging from this crisis is to follow the approach to nature suggested by St. Francis.

    Environmental Philosophy in Asian Traditions of Thought

  16. Lynn White, Jr. A conversation with Aldous Huxley not infrequently put one at the receiving end of an unforgettable monologue. About a year before his lamented death he was discoursing on a favorite topic: Man’s unnatural treatment of nature and its sad results.

    White Lynn Jr 1907-1987 [WorldCat Identities]
    Dept of Theology University of Exeter Amory Building

  17. Lynn White’s highly influential 1967 Science magazine article, “The Historical Roots of our Ecological Crisis.” White pegged the source of our troubles in the

    Lecture delivered at the German Historical Institute
    Some aspects of Western religious thought and man’s use of
    Sermon 11 October 2015

  18. 5 Lynn White Jr. 1967. “The Historical Roots of Our Ecological Crisis.” Science 155, pp. 1203-1207. “The Historical Roots of Our Ecological Crisis.” Science 155, pp. 1203-1207.

    Christian Attitudes to Nature -ORCA

  19. Interview with Matthew Riley on Lynn T. White, jr. Assignments: Choose one religious idea from those outlined in the Encyclopedia of Religion article on Christianity and relate that idea to one of

    Man and Ecology Towards an Ethic of Environment Trustees

  20. The Historical Roots of Our Ecologic Crisis. By Lynn White Jr. Science 10 Mar 1967: 1203-1207 . PDF ; One Hundred Periodic Comets. By Brian G. Marsden

    Sermon 11 October 2015

  21. that the historical roots of the present ecological crisis lie in the anti-animistic and anthropocentric tendencies of the Christian faith, and that the only way of emerging from this crisis is to follow the approach to nature suggested by St. Francis.

    Responsibility for the Ecological An Argument Run Amok
    Disenchantment and the Environmental Crisis Lynn White Jr
    A Discussion SpringerLink

  22. 5 Lynn White Jr. 1967. “The Historical Roots of Our Ecological Crisis.” Science 155, pp. 1203-1207. “The Historical Roots of Our Ecological Crisis.” Science 155, pp. 1203-1207.


  23. Green theology and deep ecology: New Age or new creation? Steve Bishop Christianity has often been a scapegoat for the environmental crisis. The most influential proponent of this view is the much quoted Lynn White, Jr.1 In a lecture given on 26 December 1966 at the Washington meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), he put forward the thesis that the …

    The Historical Roots of Our Ecologic Crisis Lynn White Jr
    Social history religion and technology An

  24. 20% Discount with this flyer Religion and Ecological Crisis The “Lynn White Thesis” at Fifty Edited by Todd LeVasseur and Anna Peterson Series: Routledge Studies in Religion This collection of original essays by leading scholars in environmental ethics and religion and nature considers the

  25. 10 March 1967, Volume 155, Number 3767 SCIENCE nating in our own time in the reclama- tion of the Zuider Zee. What, if any, species of animals, birds, fish, shore

    The Universe as the Living Image of God Calvin’s Doctrine
    Lynn White Jr.’s ‘The Historical Roots of Our Ecologic
    The Historical Roots of Our Ecologic Crisis YouTube

  26. 14/01/2015 · Excerpted from Lynn White, Jr., “The Historical Roots of Our Ecologic Crisis” (1967), a lecture to the American Association for the Advancement of Science.

    Gretel Van Wieren Michigan State University
    The Historical Roots of Our Ecologic Crisis Science
    Cultural Transformation and Conservation Growth

  27. Interview with Matthew Riley on Lynn T. White, jr. Assignments: Choose one religious idea from those outlined in the Encyclopedia of Religion article on Christianity and relate that idea to one of

    Deep Ecology in Action by BA / BS University of

  28. Abstract. An interdisciplinary reappraisal of Lynn White, Jr.’s “The Historical Roots of Our Ecologic ud Crisis” reopens several issues, including the suggestion by Peter Harrison that White’s thesis ud was historical and that it is a mistake to regard it as theological.


  29. Lynn White, Jr. Technology and Culture 16(1975)525 The eighth century was a turning point in Western European civilization. It opened with the Arabs crossing over to Spain, in 711, sealing off Western Europe from the Mediterranean commercially and culturally; it would end with the Viking onslaught on Scottish monasteries, 793 and 794, congealing the frightened natives of northern Britain into

    Lynn White Jr. Machina ex Deo Essays in the Dynamism of
    The Rights of Nature?’01 University of Oregon
    Project MUSE Toward an Ecology of Transfiguration

  30. that the historical roots of the present ecological crisis lie in the anti-animistic and anthropocentric tendencies of the Christian faith, and that the only way of emerging from this crisis is to follow the approach to nature suggested by St. Francis.

    Lynn White Jr.’s ‘The Historical Roots of Our Ecologic
    GSCI 1020 Project #5 Name Due Date 4/1/14 Box # THE

  31. According to Lynn White’s widely republished essay “The Roots of Our Ecological Crisis,” these roots lie in the Judaeo- Christian belief that man, being made in God’s image, is set apart

    Lynn White’s “Historical Roots of our
    Project MUSE Toward an Ecology of Transfiguration
    The Historical Roots of Our Ecologic Crisis

  32. Abstract. Over the past half-century, Lynn White Jr.u27s ‘The Historical Roots of Our Ecologic Crisis’ has stimulated examination of the relationship between religion, particularly Christianity, and attitudes toward nature in the U.S. and elsewhere.

    Lynn White Jr.’s ‘The Historical Roots of Our CORE

  33. The Saylor Foundation 1 Guide to Responding Reading Quiz for Lynn White, Jr.’s “The Historical Roots of Our Ecological Crisis” Please note that the answer …

    Ecocriticism GBV
    The Historical Roots of Our Ecologic Crisis
    Lynn White Jr.’s ‘The Historical Roots of Our Ecologic

  34. Lynn White, Jr. is known for a brief article from 1967, “The Historical Roots of our Ecological Crisis.” The article was not even five pages long. Too often, this article is summarized as if Christianity is to be blamed, given the legitimization it gives to human dominance. Not only is White’s article far more nuanced, but the man and his motives are far more interesting too, as Riley

    Social history religion and technology An

  35. According to Lynn White’s widely republished essay “The Roots of Our Ecological Crisis,” these roots lie in the Judaeo- Christian belief that man, being made in God’s image, is set apart
    LANDMARKS IN LITERARY ECOLOGY Edited by Cheryll Glotfelty

  36. admirable features out of his historical context. White, for instance, Lynn White Jr. proposed Francis as “the patron saint of ecologists ”3 and twelve years later, Pope John Paul II enacted this suggestion. SAINT FRANCIS OF ASSISI 3. Lynn White, Jr. “The Historical Roots of Our Ecologic Crisis,” Science 155, no. 3767 (1967): 1203–1207. “St. Francis of Assisi Preaching to the

    A Discussion SpringerLink
    Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies

  37. In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content: TRADITION AND INNOVATION, HARMONY AND HIERARCHY IN ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISI’S SERMON TO THE BIRDS Lynn White, Jr., that groundbreaking scholar of Western science and technology, often touched on Franciscan issues in his long academic career.


  38. Title: The Historical Roots of Our Ecologic Crisis: Authors: White, Lynn, Jr. Publication: Science, Volume 155, Issue 3767, pp. 1203-1207 (Sci Homepage)

    (PDF) Lynn White Jr 1907-87 ResearchGate

  39. The Historical Roots of Our Ecologic Crisis. By Lynn White Jr. See all Hide authors and affiliations. Science 10 Mar 1967: Vol. 155, Issue 3767, pp. 1203-1207 DOI: 10.1126/science.155.3767.1203 . Article; Info & Metrics; eLetters; PDF; This is a PDF-only article. The first page of the PDF of this article appears above. Science. Vol 155, Issue 3767 10 March 1967 . Table of Contents ; Back

    1e Links and Bibliography ARC

  40. Lynn White Jr.’s “The Historical Roots of Our Ecologic Crisis,” which was published in Science in 1967, has played a critical role in precipitating interdisciplinary environmental studies.


  41. Some follow Lynn White Jr. in arguing that Christian thinking, since its very first centuries, has been anthropocentric and dominationalist in its stance toward the non-human natural world. 4 …

    Deep Ecology in Action by BA / BS University of
    Lynn White Jr.’s ‘The Historical Roots of Our Ecologic

  42. sort of holy text for environmental history, Lynn White Jr. assigned the Judeo-Christian religion a prominent place among the “historical roots of our environmental crisis.”“Especially in its Western form,” he declared,

    Lynn White Jr.’s ‘The Historical Roots of Our CORE

  43. Lynn White, Jr. A conversation with Aldous Huxley not infrequently put one at the receiving end of an unforgettable monologue. About a year before his lamented death he was discoursing on a favorite topic: Man’s unnatural treatment of nature and its sad results.

    Social history religion and technology An
    Project MUSE Tradition and Innovation Harmony and

  44. Lynn White and “The Historical Roots ofour Ecologic Crisis” In his controversial 1967 article, “The Historical Roots ofour Ecologic Crisis,” Lynn White asserted that the marriage of scientific

    Green theology and deep ecology
    Some aspects of Western religious thought and man’s use of

  45. Lynn White, Jr. Technology and Culture 16(1975)525 The eighth century was a turning point in Western European civilization. It opened with the Arabs crossing over to Spain, in 711, sealing off Western Europe from the Mediterranean commercially and culturally; it would end with the Viking onslaught on Scottish monasteries, 793 and 794, congealing the frightened natives of northern Britain into

    Reading Quiz for Lynn The Historical Roots of Our Ecological

  46. Historical methods are at the foundation of research in the social sciences. This synthesizing and integrative project on the methodology of historical social science addresses programmatic objectives, interpretive principles, explanatory logic, and substantive applications to …

    Christian Ethics for Biosphere and Context
    Responsibility for the Ecological An Argument Run Amok
    LANDMARKS IN LITERARY ECOLOGY Edited by Cheryll Glotfelty

  47. Subject: Image Created Date: 9/10/2010 1:33:04 AM

    The Historical Roots of Our Ecologic Crisis YouTube

  48. Subject: Image Created Date: 9/10/2010 1:33:04 AM

    Lynn White’s “Historical Roots of our
    HBRJD-UA 177 Topics in Judaic Studies Jewish

  49. The Historical roots of Our Ecological Crisis summary Lynn White, Jr’s article states that ever since humans have become a numerous species they have affected the …

    Table of Contents — March 10 1967 155 (3767) Science
    Some aspects of Western religious thought and man’s use of
    Deep Ecology in Action by BA / BS University of

  50. 10 March 1967, Volume 155, Number 3767 SCIENCE nating in our own time in the reclama- tion of the Zuider Zee. What, if any, species of animals, birds, fish, shore

    Lynn White Jr.’s ‘The Historical Roots of Our Ecologic
    Religion and Ecological Crisis The “Lynn White Thesis” at
    Project MUSE Toward an Ecology of Transfiguration

  51. Lynn Townsend White papers by Lynn White ( ) Technology, history, democracy Lynn T. White, Jr. by Lynn White ( ) Reading beyond Roots: the theological and Weberian aspects of Lynn White’s scholarship by Matthew Timothy Riley ( )

    Religion and Ecological Crisis The “Lynn White Thesis” at
    Some aspects of Western religious thought and man’s use of

  52. Lynn White’s highly influential 1967 Science magazine article, “The Historical Roots of our Ecological Crisis.” White pegged the source of our troubles in the

    Spiritual Democracy of All God’s Creatures Ecotheology
    The Historical Roots of Our Ecologic Crisis YouTube
    Project MUSE Tradition and Innovation Harmony and

  53. Green theology and deep ecology: New Age or new creation? Steve Bishop Christianity has often been a scapegoat for the environmental crisis. The most influential proponent of this view is the much quoted Lynn White, Jr.1 In a lecture given on 26 December 1966 at the Washington meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), he put forward the thesis that the …

    Project MUSE Tradition and Innovation Harmony and
    The Rights of Nature?’01 University of Oregon

  54. The Historical Roots of Our Ecologic Crisis. By Lynn White Jr. See all Hide authors and affiliations. Science 10 Mar 1967: Vol. 155, Issue 3767, pp. 1203-1207 DOI: 10.1126/science.155.3767.1203 . Article; Info & Metrics; eLetters; PDF; This is a PDF-only article. The first page of the PDF of this article appears above. Science. Vol 155, Issue 3767 10 March 1967 . Table of Contents ; Back

    A Discussion SpringerLink
    Table of Contents — March 10 1967 155 (3767) Science

  55. “The historical roots of our ecologic crisis,” Science 155, no. 3767 (10 march 1967): 1203-07. Some ecofeminist theologians have also notably made the connection

    An Appraisal of the Critique of Anthropocentrism and Three

  56. RELIGIOUS ETHICS IV RELIGION AND THE SCIENCES This exam includes three required parts (I-III) about the philosophy and history of science, ethics

    An Appraisal of the Critique of Anthropocentrism and Three

  57. Abstract. Over the past half-century, Lynn White Jr.u27s ‘The Historical Roots of Our Ecologic Crisis’ has stimulated examination of the relationship between religion, particularly Christianity, and attitudes toward nature in the U.S. and elsewhere.

    Reading Quiz for Lynn The Historical Roots of Our Ecological
    Gretel Van Wieren Michigan State University
    Sermon 11 October 2015

  58. Lynn White, Jr. A conversation with Aldous Huxley not infrequently put one at the receiving end of an unforgettable monologue. About a year before his lamented death he was discoursing on a favorite topic: Man’s unnatural treatment of nature and its sad results.

    Disenchantment and the Environmental Crisis Lynn White Jr
    Lynn White Jr.’s ‘The Historical Roots of Our CORE

  59. 14/01/2015 · Excerpted from Lynn White, Jr., “The Historical Roots of Our Ecologic Crisis” (1967), a lecture to the American Association for the Advancement of Science.

    Cultural Transformation and Conservation Growth

  60. Science in Christian Perspective. The Historical Roots of Our Ecologic Crisis* LYNN WHITE, JR. Department of History University of California, Los Angeles, California

    White Lynn Jr 1907-1987 [WorldCat Identities]

  61. 2 Introduction In his 1967 landmark article “The Historical Roots of our Ecological Crisis,” Lynne White Jr. argued that Western Christianity “bears a huge burden of guilt” for the looming

    1e Links and Bibliography ARC

  62. Rethinking Lynn White: Christianity, Creatures, and Democracy. 1 Lynn White Jr.’s infamous 1967 article, “The Historical Roots of Our Ecologic Crisis” has been a source of continuous debate and controversy in the field of Religion and Ecology.

    PHILCH11 PHIL 336 American Indian Environmental
    HBRJD-UA 177 Topics in Judaic Studies Jewish

  63. Thus since 1967 the claim of Lynn White, Jr., that the “Judeo-Christian tradition” was the cause of “our ecologic crisis” has been troubling. 1 White’s paper, “The Historical Roots of Our Ecologic

    Environmental Issues The Historical roots of Our
    A Discussion SpringerLink

  64. The “Lynn White thesis,” articulated in its most well- known form in White’s “The Historical Roots of Our Ecologic Crisis,” (1967) was one of the most important

    Environmental theology Wikipedia
    Sermon 11 October 2015
    An Appraisal of the Critique of Anthropocentrism and Three

  65. Lynn White Jr.’s essay, “The Historical Roots of Our Ecologic Crisis,” which first appeared in Science in 1967, has long been a cornerstone in the environmental studies literature. Yet subsequent research in the natural and social sciences, as well as in the environmental humanities, challenges many of White’s key assumptions and claims

    “The Kinship of Creation An Anabaptist Ecological
    The Historical Roots of Our Ecologic Crisis YouTube

  66. A provocative 1967 magazine article by Lynn White, Jr., Professor of History at the University of California at Los Angeles, is also employed as a vehicle to assist in the examination of the influence of Western religious thought on man’s attitude toward nature and land. The article, “The Historical Roots of Our Ecologic Crisis,” has as its thesis that Christianity is a major culprit in today

    The Stirrup as a Revolutionary Device page 1

  67. Lynn White’s highly influential 1967 Science magazine article, “The Historical Roots of our Ecological Crisis.” White pegged the source of our troubles in the

    The Historical Roots of Our Ecologic Crisis YouTube

  68. The “Lynn White thesis,” articulated in its most well- known form in White’s “The Historical Roots of Our Ecologic Crisis,” (1967) was one of the most important

    Responsibility for the Ecological An Argument Run Amok
    White Lynn Jr 1907-1987 [WorldCat Identities]
    Rethinking Lynn White Christianity Creatures and Democracy.

  69. Lynn White Jr.’s essay, “The Historical Roots of Our Ecologic Crisis,” which first appeared in Science in 1967, has long been a cornerstone in the environmental studies literature. Yet subsequent research in the natural and social sciences, as well as in the environmental humanities, challenges many of White’s key assumptions and claims

    Sermon 11 October 2015
    Dept of Theology University of Exeter Amory Building
    Spiritual Democracy of All God’s Creatures Ecotheology

  70. A provocative 1967 magazine article by Lynn White, Jr., Professor of History at the University of California at Los Angeles, is also employed as a vehicle to assist in the examination of the influence of Western religious thought on man’s attitude toward nature and land. The article, “The Historical Roots of Our Ecologic Crisis,” has as its thesis that Christianity is a major culprit in today

    Christian Ethics for Biosphere and Context
    Spiritual Democracy of All God’s Creatures Ecotheology

  71. A provocative 1967 magazine article by Lynn White, Jr., Professor of History at the University of California at Los Angeles, is also employed as a vehicle to assist in the examination of the influence of Western religious thought on man’s attitude toward nature and land. The article, “The Historical Roots of Our Ecologic Crisis,” has as its thesis that Christianity is a major culprit in today

    Social history religion and technology An

  72. The Rights of Nature? Land and Landscape explores foundation concepts in planning and design theory and practice. The intent of this seminar class is to add breadth and depth to …


  73. This is my summary of a paper by Lynn White, Jr. called The Historical Roots of Our Ecologic Crisis, published in Science Volume 155, Number 3767, on March 10, 1967.

    Historical Methods in the Social Sciences SAGE

  74. Lynn White and “The Historical Roots ofour Ecologic Crisis” In his controversial 1967 article, “The Historical Roots ofour Ecologic Crisis,” Lynn White asserted that the marriage of scientific

    Project MUSE Tradition and Innovation Harmony and

  75. Abstract “The Historical Roots of Our Ecological Crisis” by Lynn White Jr. poses specific challenges to Islamic metaphysics and theology that have yet to be adequately addressed by Muslim scholars.


  76. RELIGIOUS ETHICS IV RELIGION AND THE SCIENCES This exam includes three required parts (I-III) about the philosophy and history of science, ethics

    Rethinking Lynn White Christianity Creatures and Democracy.

  77. Lynn White Jr.’s “The Historical Roots of Our Ecologic Crisis,” which was published in Science in 1967, has played a critical role in precipitating interdisciplinary environmental studies.

    Man and Ecology Towards an Ethic of Environment Trustees
    The Universe as the Living Image of God Calvin’s Doctrine

  78. Lynn White, Jr. A conversation with Aldous Huxley not infrequently put one at the receiving end of an unforgettable monologue. About a year before his lamented death he was discoursing on a favorite topic: Man’s unnatural treatment of nature and its sad results.

    PHILCH11 PHIL 336 American Indian Environmental
    The historical roots of our ecological crisis SlideShare

  79. PHIL 336 American Indian Environmental Philosophies Fall 2016 Page 1 of 1 TEST 11 Study Guide 1. What does Lynn White, Jr. (“The Historical Roots of Our Ecologic Crisis”) see as “the greatest event in human history since the invention of agriculture, and perhaps in nonhuman terrestrial history …

    Man and Ecology Towards an Ethic of Environment Trustees
    1e Links and Bibliography ARC

  80. 1 Journal of Religion & Society Supplement Series 3 The Kripke Center 2008 ISSN: 1941-8450 Religion and the Environment An Introduction The Legacy of Lynn White, Jr.

    The Rights of Nature?’01 University of Oregon
    The Historical Roots of Our Ecologic Crisis Science
    (PDF) Lynn White Jr. and the greening of religion hypothesis

  81. Subject: Image Created Date: 9/10/2010 1:33:04 AM

    The historical roots of our ecological crisis SlideShare
    “The Kinship of Creation An Anabaptist Ecological
    Environmental Philosophy in Asian Traditions of Thought

  82. According to Lynn White’s widely republished essay “The Roots of Our Ecological Crisis,” these roots lie in the Judaeo- Christian belief that man, being made in God’s image, is set apart

    Sermon 11 October 2015
    The Stirrup as a Revolutionary Device page 1
    Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies

  83. In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content: TRADITION AND INNOVATION, HARMONY AND HIERARCHY IN ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISI’S SERMON TO THE BIRDS Lynn White, Jr., that groundbreaking scholar of Western science and technology, often touched on Franciscan issues in his long academic career.

    Lynn White’s “Historical Roots of our
    Lynn White Jr.’s ‘The Historical Roots of Our Ecologic

  84. Science in Christian Perspective. The Historical Roots of Our Ecologic Crisis* LYNN WHITE, JR. Department of History University of California, Los Angeles, California

    “The Kinship of Creation An Anabaptist Ecological

  85. Lynn White’s highly influential 1967 Science magazine article, “The Historical Roots of our Ecological Crisis.” White pegged the source of our troubles in the

    Environmental Philosophy in Asian Traditions of Thought

  86. Abstract. An interdisciplinary reappraisal of Lynn White, Jr.’s “The Historical Roots of Our Ecologic ud Crisis” reopens several issues, including the suggestion by Peter Harrison that White’s thesis ud was historical and that it is a mistake to regard it as theological.

    Some aspects of Western religious thought and man’s use of

  87. Science in Christian Perspective. The Historical Roots of Our Ecologic Crisis* LYNN WHITE, JR. Department of History University of California, Los Angeles, California

    Disenchantment and the Environmental Crisis Lynn White Jr
    Green theology and deep ecology
    4. TheHistoricalRootsofOurEcologic Crisis Rutgers University

  88. The Historical roots of Our Ecological Crisis summary Lynn White, Jr’s article states that ever since humans have become a numerous species they have affected the …

    1e Links and Bibliography ARC
    Project MUSE Toward an Ecology of Transfiguration
    Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies

  89. The Historical Roots of Our Ecologic Crisis. By Lynn White Jr. See all Hide authors and affiliations. Science 10 Mar 1967: Vol. 155, Issue 3767, pp. 1203-1207 DOI: 10.1126/science.155.3767.1203 . Article; Info & Metrics; eLetters; PDF; This is a PDF-only article. The first page of the PDF of this article appears above. Science. Vol 155, Issue 3767 10 March 1967 . Table of Contents ; Back

    Spiritual Democracy of All God’s Creatures Ecotheology

  90. Lynn White’s highly influential 1967 Science magazine article, “The Historical Roots of our Ecological Crisis.” White pegged the source of our troubles in the

    Environmental theology Wikipedia
    A Discussion SpringerLink

  91. White Jr., Lynn. “The Historical Roots of Our Ecologic Crisis.” In Ecology and Religion in History. New “The Historical Roots of Our Ecologic Crisis.” In Ecology and Religion in History.

    Cultural Transformation and Conservation Growth
    Lynn White Jr. Machina ex Deo Essays in the Dynamism of

  92. A provocative 1967 magazine article by Lynn White, Jr., Professor of History at the University of California at Los Angeles, is also employed as a vehicle to assist in the examination of the influence of Western religious thought on man’s attitude toward nature and land. The article, “The Historical Roots of Our Ecologic Crisis,” has as its thesis that Christianity is a major culprit in today

    4. TheHistoricalRootsofOurEcologic Crisis Rutgers University
    Historical Methods in the Social Sciences SAGE

  93. Lynn White Jr’s now classic article, ‘The Historical Roots of Our Ecologic Crisis’. 1 White argued that the Christian worldview, rooted in the creation stories and the notion of humanity made in God’s image, introduced a dualism between humanity

    A Discussion SpringerLink

  94. Abstract. An interdisciplinary reappraisal of Lynn White, Jr.’s “The Historical Roots of Our Ecologic ud Crisis” reopens several issues, including the suggestion by Peter Harrison that White’s thesis ud was historical and that it is a mistake to regard it as theological.

    Project MUSE Tradition and Innovation Harmony and

  95. Lynn White, Jr. must be associated with any scholarly writings on environmental theology because his work in the 1960s precipitated a renewed interest in the field on a massive scale. “The Historical Roots of our Ecological Crisis” (White, 1967) is the most common citation in a …

    The Stirrup as a Revolutionary Device page 1
    Reading Quiz for Lynn The Historical Roots of Our Ecological

  96. Matthew T. Riley’s essay returns to the beginnings of ecotheology, but only in order to tell the tale differently and expose the overlooked place of the animal in it. Ecotheology in its early stages largely coalesced in response to the accusations leveled at Christianity by Lynn White, Jr. in his 1967 article, “The Historical Roots of Our

    Dept of Theology University of Exeter Amory Building

  97. Abstract. An interdisciplinary reappraisal of Lynn White, Jr.’s “The Historical Roots of Our Ecologic ud Crisis” reopens several issues, including the suggestion by Peter Harrison that White’s thesis ud was historical and that it is a mistake to regard it as theological.

    Disenchantment and the Environmental Crisis Lynn White Jr
    Project MUSE Tradition and Innovation Harmony and

  98. Green theology and deep ecology: New Age or new creation? Steve Bishop Christianity has often been a scapegoat for the environmental crisis. The most influential proponent of this view is the much quoted Lynn White, Jr.1 In a lecture given on 26 December 1966 at the Washington meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), he put forward the thesis that the …

    The Rights of Nature?’01 University of Oregon

  99. Rethinking Lynn White: Christianity, Creatures, and Democracy. 1 Lynn White Jr.’s infamous 1967 article, “The Historical Roots of Our Ecologic Crisis” has been a source of continuous debate and controversy in the field of Religion and Ecology.

    The Rights of Nature?’01 University of Oregon
    White Lynn Jr 1907-1987 [WorldCat Identities]
    Environmental Issues The Historical roots of Our

  100. LANDMARKS IN LITERARY ECOLOGY Edited by Cheryll Glotfelty and Harold Fromm THE UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA PRESS • ATHENS AND LONDON • CONTENTS Preface IX Acknowledgments xi xv ^C Introduction Literary Studies in an Age of Environmental Crisis / CHERYLL GLOTFELTY PART ONE Ecotheory Reflections on Nature and Cultvire 3 The Historical Roots of Our Ecologic Crisis LYNN WHITE, JR …

    Environmental theology Wikipedia
    Cultural Transformation and Conservation Growth
    Some aspects of Western religious thought and man’s use of

  101. A brief historical overview of Christian critique since Professor Lynn White Jr’s 1967 paper ‘The Historical Roots of our Ecological Crisis’. The article has lots of useful links to other resources about

    The Rights of Nature?’01 University of Oregon
    The Historical Roots of Our Ecologic Crisis Science

  102. Lynn White, Jr. Technology and Culture 16(1975)525 The eighth century was a turning point in Western European civilization. It opened with the Arabs crossing over to Spain, in 711, sealing off Western Europe from the Mediterranean commercially and culturally; it would end with the Viking onslaught on Scottish monasteries, 793 and 794, congealing the frightened natives of northern Britain into

    Creation Care as Christian Witness A Biblical Basis
    Rethinking Lynn White Christianity Creatures and Democracy.

  103. The Historical roots of Our Ecological Crisis summary Lynn White, Jr’s article states that ever since humans have become a numerous species they have affected the …

    Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies
    Reading Quiz for Lynn The Historical Roots of Our Ecological

  104. Lynn White Jr.’s “The Historical Roots of Our Ecologic Crisis,” which was published in Science in 1967, has played a critical role in precipitating interdisciplinary environmental studies.

    White Lynn Jr 1907-1987 [WorldCat Identities]
    A Discussion SpringerLink
    Project MUSE Tradition and Innovation Harmony and

  105. A provocative 1967 magazine article by Lynn White, Jr., Professor of History at the University of California at Los Angeles, is also employed as a vehicle to assist in the examination of the influence of Western religious thought on man’s attitude toward nature and land. The article, “The Historical Roots of Our Ecologic Crisis,” has as its thesis that Christianity is a major culprit in today

    Disenchantment and the Environmental Crisis Lynn White Jr
    The historical roots of our ecological crisis SlideShare

  106. titled “The Historical Roots of Our Ecologic Crisis.” Its author, medieval historian Lynn White, Jr., of UCLA, is an engaging raconteur with a gift for the memorable hrase and the arresting thought. He is

    Project MUSE Tradition and Innovation Harmony and
    Social history religion and technology An
    Environmental theology Wikipedia

  107. 4 lynn white, jr. the historical roots of our ecologic crisis 39 5 arne naess the deep ecological movement: some philosophical aspects 47 6 paul shepard ecology and man: a viewpoint 62 7 gary snyder the place, the region, and the commons 70 8 jonathan bate the economy of nature 77 . vi contents 9 lawrence buell representing the environment”. 97 10 william cronon the trouble with …

    Christian Ethics for Biosphere and Context

  108. The Historical Roots of our Ecological Crises. Science, 155. 1967) This short essay is a sincere effort to investigate the validity of White’s view that the disrespect

    An Appraisal of the Critique of Anthropocentrism and Three
    Responsibility for the Ecological An Argument Run Amok
    (PDF) Lynn White Jr 1907-87 ResearchGate

  109. More than any other one text, “The Historical Roots of Our Ecologic Crisis” by Lynn White Jr., published in Science in 1967, stimulated the development of environmental philosophy and also

    White Lynn Jr 1907-1987 [WorldCat Identities]

  110. Lynn White’s highly influential 1967 Science magazine article, “The Historical Roots of our Ecological Crisis.” White pegged the source of our troubles in the

    Spiritual Democracy of All God’s Creatures Ecotheology
    Creation Care as Christian Witness A Biblical Basis

  111. The global history of ecological concern stays at the center of this course, which discusses environmental worries in the British, German, Scandinavian, African and American contexts in subsequent centuries.

    Lynn White’s “Historical Roots of our
    The historical roots of our ecological crisis SlideShare
    The Historical Roots of Our Ecologic Crisis

  112. RELIGIOUS ETHICS IV RELIGION AND THE SCIENCES This exam includes three required parts (I-III) about the philosophy and history of science, ethics

    Cultural Transformation and Conservation Growth
    Green theology and deep ecology
    Deep Ecology in Action by BA / BS University of

  113. White’s essay was part of an overall trend in the late 1960s and early 1970s to discover single “root” causes for the environmental crisis, with other such efforts variously

    Religion and Ecological Crisis The “Lynn White Thesis” at

  114. 2 Introduction In his 1967 landmark article “The Historical Roots of our Ecological Crisis,” Lynne White Jr. argued that Western Christianity “bears a huge burden of guilt” for the looming

    Gretel Van Wieren Michigan State University

  115. More than any other one text, “The Historical Roots of Our Ecologic Crisis” by Lynn White Jr., published in Science in 1967, stimulated the development of environmental philosophy and also

    Social history religion and technology An

  116. RELIGIOUS ETHICS IV RELIGION AND THE SCIENCES This exam includes three required parts (I-III) about the philosophy and history of science, ethics

    Lecture delivered at the German Historical Institute